
Don’t stand “idly” by! You can reduce air pollution in your community! Our Anti-Idling Education Program will provide you with the information and assistance you need to reduce harmful vehicle idling near schools, businesses and neighborhoods.

We'll work with your municipality, school or community organization to develop and implement and awareness and enforcement campaigns, adopt an anti-idling ordinance, or other awareness and enforcement actions.

Specially trained staff is available to come to your school, municipality, or community organization to discuss the dangers of vehicle idling and the easy ways you can reduce the amount of harmful emissions dispersed into the atmosphere.

Interactive Presentations include:

  • Air Pollution: Impacts on Health & the Environment
  • Idling Gets You Nowhere: The Dollars and Sense of Idling
  • Schools and Idling
  • New Jersey’s Anti-Idling Law & Enforcement
  • Conducting Anti-Idling Awareness/Enforcement
  • Air Pollution: Impacts on Health & the Environment

Sustainable Hunterdon

For more information about
Sustainable Hunterdon contact
Tara Shepherd 
(908) 788-5553